The Mission of Musikreativ Studios is to serve as the vessel for, the sound and the voice of The Yah’shua Project. We will provide music recordings, songs, spoken word and visual web media along with videos to convey our message, to bring Light And Truth into a troubled world. We will continue to expand and enhance our capabilities technologically. Our plan is to establish numerous other studios throughout the world that are inter-connected…They will be structured based on our optimized model here.
I have established a studio that provides The Artist with the space and the freedom to expand their creativity…to connect with God in order to bring forth a flow way beyond what they imagined possible! We provide the equipment, expertise and support to go to New Levels of producing music, songs and spoken word. It took me years one on ONE in training with The Lord Himself to learn these things. Now what took me years can accelerate an Artist forward in a fraction of the time! We also provide instruments and sound processing equipment for use that further expand the gifting of the Artist..often much more than they could every afford to buy on their own. The Artist Called thrives in this space set apart and very unique studio.
MusiKreativ Studios is a space set apart unto God. When you walk in, you know something is different. Everyone has relayed how the space is charged spiritually and set apart !
Creativity and Originality are allowed to expand here beyond any other places I have experienced. The environment provides a freedom devoid from drivers like money and personal fame; they are non-existent. A common desire to truly serve God’s Spoken Will is realized in the gifted composers, musicians and songwriters that have gathered here. I did not seek them, they were led here to this place for such a time as this. Each Renaissance Player enjoys a space in which to flourish and to grow…where the world is left at the door. We join together in One Common Spirit that is of God’s Love seeking to reach out across this earth !
There are absolutely no restraints as to the direction in which the music goes. Styles are as diverse as the player’s life journey, heart and culture that they bring with them. Music that the individual or collective players play crosses over all traditional boundaries of style and blending. This kitchen has the finest cooks and spices that come together to prepare a dish that feeds the heart and soul.
We see music as a painting that begins as a blank canvas. We are but the hues and colors, the palette into which the brush of The Painter dips…Sacred is the gift of music granted mankind. Sacred it is held as a treasure that cannot be traded for any wealth in the world.
The recordings are produced and polished on an individual basis. Final mastering yields a soundscape that dramatically transcends conventional approaches. The stereo field is fully opened up allowing all parts of the recording to breathe in the precious sound space granted us.
This Wave is rising to reclaim the humble and meek space so easily lost within the snares of the world that so quickly can consume the sanctity of the music gifting. We struggle and wage war against an ancient, age old thief known by his pride and vanity. This is a good fight to take back the
High Ground in a world that surrounds us with nothing more than Erosion. Too many innocent souls are rendered and lost in the raging sea we find ourselves in. There is a brighter Light and Hope in Yah’shua, In Christ Jesus that is so dearly needed right now !
Music is a way in which to communicate, where one must respect that the ear gates of the listener are to be held sacred, to be protected and nurtured. A good example is how many parents do not wish their children to hear messages that are not appropriate for them. Sex, money, fame, vanity along with emotions of anger, lust and greed we know serves no good and useful purpose in any way. It may be justified by the industries and individuals that benefit from it but we in good conscience know that it is not the kind of meal that our children should be served at every turn.
We have decided to depart from the world as it too often sells the gift off for a pound of vile, self-serving flesh. The rape and carnage of the soul it leaves behind is quite evident in the decline of social morality we witness all around us. There is a definite difference between touching a listener in the mind (euphoria) and reaching deep into the heart By The Spirit with Light And A Fire. And, if the torch is to bear a Light then what is the fuel that will keep it burning ? First of all, the torch is a vessel that no longer serves itself, yielding itself to a Greater Will. The fuel is The Oil of Gladness, Hope and Faith In Yah’shua. The fuel is much like an oil, the essence must be pure and Sacred. The Fire is His Spirit invited to dwell within our hearts that cannot be extinguished. The Renaissance Players understand these things and seek nothing for themselves. Rather, they recognize, they revere and respect where this Light comes from. They also understand that there is more in the Whole than in its parts. There is individual work here and collective work. We have gathered for a common purpose with a common reverence of God, The Author of our song…The New Song !
The heart, soul and spirit of a person that decides that the world has poisoned a precious gift from God seeks in earnest to communicate a new message on a foundation of Truth. How ? By connecting into a deep relationship with God. An honest introspection coupled with a Proper Spiritual understanding yields honesty and transparency. Let’s face it…if we all became more honest about what we feel inside, then would we not be closer to one another? We all walk in this world with a variety of fears that become as walls between your heart and my heart. The gap between us cannot be filled by us…the gap can only be Filled By God. It is often said that the hole, the void is a God Sized Hole That On He Can Fill…This is my Experience! The music we are granted is there to make a way to Him, To Father God…to point to His Son as our Bridge…thus The Yah’shua Project !
The styles vary dramatically from traditional forms revisited, to enhanced traditional, to blends and to very deep, advanced depths that literally become a journey for the receiver who is engaged and immersed therein. The general feel of this Deep Spiritual Work opens up into the timeless space, where the world we live in is held at bay. The music and songs invite you to new pastures and, surely, waters stilled.
Nothing is static here in our individual and common journey at The Yah’shua Project. There is Movement of God’s Spirit through vessels yielded that communicates something far deeper to the receiver. The Spirit is a Living, Breathing, Uncontainable, Ever-Expansive Reality so often is clouded over by the storms of the world, hidden from us in plain sight. It is our hope that our Renaissance Music breaks through the dark and low lying clouds to provide a path for the Rays of Light From The Son…Christ Jesus, From Yah’shua…deep into the hearts of God’s children!
Music is a sacred gift that is held precious here. It is the greatest gift of God’s Love. It is there for us to draw closer to Him and in so, closer to each other !
I am personally so grateful that I cannot express how much I appreciate the players that are led to come here. In my life the musical gifting was hidden away until I was over forty years old. Music has been a big part of my life as a listener, but to be a facilitator to produce music with some of the finest, most gifted people on the planet is beyond what I could have ever imagined. Through what I have learned with my years in music making alone with God I am blessed with an insight granted me that enables me to help the gifted better understand the gift. The studio is an extension and part of this Sanctuary set completely apart from the world unto The Lord, Our God !
I just love the people and what happens when they come together being One As It Is Written ! Again, I am grateful beyond measure.
Renaissance Music is not for everyone but is offered to everyone. We believe that there are many that are searching at this time, seeking something better than the turmoil our world offers…For those like myself that one say said “ There has to be more to life than this !” It is our intention to share with you the goodness and hope we have found. May you be infused with our Oil of Joy and His Spirit of Truth !
This Renaissance Wave flows forth from a Well that knows no bottom…The Well That Is Deep, Deeper Than Deep !
It is our hope, our desire that these riches we have received overflow into your cup from ours. Please enjoy this our offering to you, this melodious drink of song. Only the finest wine from The Vineyard will do !
Thank you,
Cd’A…Cornell d’Angelo, Director of Musikreativ Studios
The Musikreativ Studios are a part, a facet of The Yah’shua Project that began as a vision and a deep desire place in my heart by The Holy God of Israel. Yah’shua is the Hebrew name of Jesus Christ.
Musikreativ Studios is a space set apart unto God. The environment provides a freedom devoid from drivers like money and personal fame; they are non-existent. A common desire to truly serve God’s Will is realized in the gifted composers, musicians, songwriters, writers and artists that have gathered here. I did not seek them, they were led here to this place for such a time as this. The result is Living music...a shared journey. This is indeed a renaissance that we are now releasing that will grow like a wave washing over and engulfing the listener who has ears to hear.
We are located currently in Beloit, Wisconsin with numerous other locations in the world planned that will be inter-connected...Thus bringing significant increases our Musikreativ Studios Collective in the future!
Thank you so much for visiting our site! Please let others know about us because we do not advertise except through our releases that point people back to our studio!
Please know that MusiKreativ Studios is not a commercial studio that solicits recording, mixing or mastering business. We are a completely captive, self-funded entity that is bringing forth only the finest recordings, music and songs for your listening enjoyment without the driver of financial reward! Our riches are stowed away in Heaven…We are supported by Our Lord And God!
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Cornell d’Angelo, Director
MusiKreativ Studios
P.O. Box 854
Beloit, Wisconsin 53512-0854
Or, you may also contact us here.
The Mission of Musikreativ Studios is to serve as the vessel for, the sound and the voice of The Yah’shua Project. We will provide music recordings, songs, spoken word and visual web media along with videos to convey our message, to bring Light And Truth into a troubled world. We will continue to expand and enhance our capabilities technologically. Our plan is to establish numerous other studios throughout the world that are inter-connected...They will be structured based on our optimized model here.