This is where I have spent 17 years being taught in and learning The Holy And Sacred Ways,the ways of the humble servant!
Who has been my Teacher, High Priest, Counselor And King ? The Lord Himself…I say The Rabbi has been my teacher and all things promised us if we seek Him fervently, have reverence and bow humbly before His Throne !
The entire contents of this website come from the library that came forth from my life set apart unto seeking The Lord Our God for Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding in all things !
I have seen The Glory of The Lord at work and seek to share my witness of Our Living God, Our Messiah With You ! The True Dwelling Place Is With And In Christ, In Yah’shua !
The True Sanctuary unto The Lord is in the heart, the heart set apart unto The Lord, the heart willing to find what it seeks and cannot find in the world…A Love That Drives Out All Fear, a heart desiring to dwell in the peace and the rest to be found In Our Lord, The Faithful And Good Shepherd !!!
There is a better way and it is Love !
I live my life, breathe and am here to say to you that He is there for you, me and everyone, to point the way to Him, to encourage You …He is there and will meet you wherever you stand if you trust and reach out with all that you are !
The Table Of The Lord
You are invited to The Table of The Lord for the meal that is served, The meal that is Sustenance Everlasting, The Bread of Life ! Your plate is waiting for you !
The world is not a friendly place and robs us of much ! The world is not a caring retreat nor knows the still waters of The Lord !
If you are willing He will do not less for you than He Has Done for me and He does no small thing or incomplete work for His Love and His Light are greater than our deepest fear as no one is yoo blind to see and no one is too lost to be found In Christ…Amen!
By Cd’A…Cornell d’Angelo, Sept 2007 and updated in 2016.