Currently The Truth Express is made up of two of our artists. The Truth Express will be a select five member band in the future. This Truth Project is expressive brought to you by a collaboration between Derek Olson and Cornell d’Angelo with the song writing and performance being In The Spirit!
Derek and I spent 2 years together in the studio making music, spending time in fellowship and many hours talking about The Lord! During this time we would enter into most interesting interactions in the music and songs. Not only that but we would also have discussions where we would bring in opposing perspectives…the world’s and that of God! The result was a series of songs that are about honesty, introspection and transparency…songs that engage the listener to step out of there busy lives just for a moment and take a closer look at our lives!
It is important that we become open toward one another about ourselves, our lives, our thoughts and the desire, above all things, to love and be loved! Derek and I hope that that you enjoy our work together. The lyrics that I sing to Derek’s music are always on the fly…By The Spirit! His music beds just propel me into that mode, in the direction that Comes From Above!
We hope that you enjoy our desire to bring Truth forth into our world! Our small candles are lit…but The True Light Comes Forth From Above, From The Lampstand!
Thank you for Coming, Thank you for listening to The Truth Express !
With Love And Blessings In Christ, In Yah’shua,
Cornell d’Angelo And Derek Olson